วันอังคารที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

แก้ปัญหา wash -i mon0 ไม่โชว์

Hi guys i think i found the solution, that may help you.
First of all you need to install libpcap-dev and libsqlite3-dev packages from repository.

1. ~# apt-get install libpcap-dev
2. ~# apt-get isntall libsqlite3-dev

Then, you should download the reaver itself. You can do that from official site.
3. ~# wget http://reaver-wps.googlecode.com/files/reaver-1.4.tar.gz
Unpack tar :
4. ~# tar -xvzf reaver-1.4.tar.gz

Go to unpacked dir
5. ~# cd reaver-1.4/src/
6. ~# ./configure
7. ~# make
8. ~# sudo make install

Then remove an existing wash

8. ~# sudo rm /usr/bin/wash

copy wash from src direcory to /usr/bin/

9. ~# cp wash /etc/reaver/

Now try wash

10. ~# wash -i mon0
and it should work. =)

That's all. I my case I fix the problem now it works properly. I hope it helps you too.


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